The educational debate does not stop: Virtual Educa reschedules its World Congress in response...

Due to the circumstances derived from the impact of COVID-19, Virtual Educa 2020 World Congress has been rescheduled to November 25 to 28, 2020...

Bridging the Gap: Empowering the next generation of coders

With the projected growth of IT-related professions such as virtual reality developers and UX designers expected to reach 20-30% by 2030, there is a clear need to prepare young people with the necessary skills to thrive in the future job market.

How governments can help advance Artificial Intelligence

Most people agree that artificial intelligence (AI) will transform modern society in positive ways. From autonomous cars that will save thousands of lives, to...

CIFAL Argentina concludes workshop on social-environmental conflicts

The International Training Centre for Authorities and Leaders in Argentina (CIFAL Argentina) hosted the Social-Environmental Conflicts workshop from a community transparency system perspective. The...

UK Secretary of State for Education opens EWF 2019

Dear Ministers, colleagues, your Royal Highness and ladies and gentlemen. It’s a great pleasure to welcome you all here to London and to this...

World Bank Youth Summit 2019: Smarter Cities for a Resilient Future

The 2019 WBG Youth Summit will be a two-day interactive event, taking place at the World Bank Headquarters in Washington, DC from December 2-3, 2019. The...

If countries act now, children born today could be healthier, wealthier, more productive

New World Bank research released on October 11 gives policymakers compelling evidence that delivering better outcomes in children’s health and learning can significantly boost...

The future of the US workforce will rely on AI, but don’t count human...

Artificial intelligence has replaced many skills in recent years – including the skills needed to do some human jobs. The tech revolution has not gone...

Spark global collaboration

Global collaboration is becoming more of a reality than a dream through the use of technology. Genius Plaza strives to democratize education and digital...

Latin America has the biggest skills gap in the world. Here’s how to bridge...

In these times of heated economic debate, improving skills is one of the rare consensuses worldwide. Globalization and technological progress has made productivity more...

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En memoria a Heitor Gurgulino de Souza, un visionario de la educación mundial.

Tras unos meses desde su fallecimiento, conmemoramos el legado del maestro y sobre todo amigo,  Heitor Gurgulino de Souza, que fue presidente honorario de...

Nuevas tendencias en educación superior:  Aprendizaje  personalizado, flexible y a lo largo de la...

En el entorno educativo actual, es claro que el antiguo modelo de educación de "talla única" ya no funciona. Los estudiantes de hoy, acostumbrados...

Webinar Situación del agua en el mundo: problemas y soluciones.

El segundo webinar de Reto Marte Agua 2024 explora los desafíos que enfrenta el agua potable, además de las nuevas formas de aprovecharla, mejorar...