Spark global collaboration

Global collaboration is becoming more of a reality than a dream through the use of technology. Genius Plaza strives to democratize education and digital...

CIFAL Argentina concludes workshop on social-environmental conflicts

The International Training Centre for Authorities and Leaders in Argentina (CIFAL Argentina) hosted the Social-Environmental Conflicts workshop from a community transparency system perspective. The...

If countries act now, children born today could be healthier, wealthier, more productive

New World Bank research released on October 11 gives policymakers compelling evidence that delivering better outcomes in children’s health and learning can significantly boost...

Half of world’s poor are children

Half of all people living in poverty are younger than 18 years old, according to estimates from the 2018 global Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI)...

How governments can help advance Artificial Intelligence

Most people agree that artificial intelligence (AI) will transform modern society in positive ways. From autonomous cars that will save thousands of lives, to...

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La astronauta Sara García amadrina el Foro de Innovación, Talento y Educación Aeroespacial que...

FITEA, el mayor evento sobre talento, innovación y educación aeroespacial que se celebrará en Madrid entre los días 29 y 31 de octubre, despega...

FITEA, entradas disponibles a partir del 10 de julio.

A tan solo meses de ser testigos de la primera edición, FITEA abrirá sus inscripciones a partir del 10 de julio y podrán asistir...

Ganadores de Reto Marte 2023 participaron en formación en la NASA

Los ganadores del Reto en 2023 viajaron al Houston Space Center de la NASA, para conocer las instalaciones y participar en una formación exclusiva...